Sanchaita Gajapathiraju ready to fight uncle?

Sanchaita Gajapathiraju is no regular girl. For someone hailing from a powerful Raju family in Vijayanagaram, she dabbled in media for a while before finding her calling and setting up her own organisation. Today, Sanchaita is the managing trustee and founder of SANA, which is into promoting the concept of bio-toilets in places that are off-the-grid from regular sewage system.

Sanchaita Ready for a face-off

Well, going back to her roots, her family, the Pusapati rajus are one of the most revered clan in Vijayanagaram. They may have lost their kingdoms, but the rajus here have the respect of the locals and are still looked up to. However, certain incidents that have been brewing within the family have brought public shame to the family.

And the reason for internal bickering is the Mansas’ Trust. For the past few months there has been an open face-off between Ashok Gajapathi Raju and Sanchaita on the issue and now the matter has become a public brawl.

Initially, Ashok Gajapathi Raju had filed court cases against Sanchaita for grabbing power from him in the matters. However, having waited for a long time, and sensing further court delays, Ashok Gajapathi Raju is now taking the fight to the streets. He has openly alleged Sanchaita of pawning the Rs 50,000 crore worth lands of Mansas’ Trust.

Not one to be bogged down, Sanchaita countered her uncle by asking why he could not get back the Rs 30 crore given as loan to the TDP. She went on to question as to why he leased Mansas’ lands for dirt cheap rates to his coterie. What happened to Save Mansas’ then?  is her counter to her uncle.

She also alleged that due to the negligence of her uncle in getting proper clearance from higher education authorities, 170 degree students of Mansas’ college failed to get their graduation certificates.

Sanchaita wondered what her uncle was up to when the Trust lost Rs 13 crores in court cases and when MR College lost its aid during the chairmanship of Ashok Gajapathi Raju.

With allegations and counter allegations, Mansas’ Trust issue has led both parties to come out into open and fight it out publicly. It remains to be seen how things will shape up in days to come.