Revanth Reddy’s Welfare Revisions: What’s Changed?

Revanth Reddy, in his bid for power in Telangana, pledged six major welfare schemes within 100 days of assuming office. However, the current proposal to limit these benefits to White Ration Card Holders, typically representing the state’s economically disadvantaged, deviates from his initial promises. This shift might create discontent among the populace, as it contradicts his earlier commitment to universal implementation.

Yet, there might be a silver lining. Previous disappointments with unrestricted welfare schemes, like the Rythu Bandhu for farmers, led to dissatisfaction. Some felt it wasn’t fair to grant benefits to large landowners alongside smaller farmers. Reddy could be banking on this dissatisfaction to justify his decision to limit benefits to White Ration Card Holders, assuming people might understand the need for such restrictions.

However, this approach also has its drawbacks. By excluding the middle class and settlers from other states, it may further divide opinions. Moreover, the financial burden prevents the extension of these schemes to everyone in the state. With upcoming elections, Reddy might face immediate repercussions due to this policy change, as it affects a wide range of people and their expectations.

While Revanth Reddy’s decision aims to target the deserving sections, it also risks disappointing those outside the specified criteria, potentially impacting his political standing in the upcoming elections.