Dorasani, a periodic movie set in Telangana backdrop marks the debut of Anand Devarakonda and Shivatmika Rajasekhar, directed by debutant KVR Mahendra. The film is presented by Suresh Babu and bankrolled by Madhura Sridhar and Yash Rangineni. All the young debutantes have done a wonderful job and released their first look poster today. The most impressive aspect of the poster is Shivatmika and her striking looks, while the young Devarkonda perfectly adorned the character. He plays the role of a boy coming from lower background and falls in love with a rich girl. However, the first look of Dorasani and her lover looks quite intriguing and excites the audience for its teaser which will be launched on June 6, while the movie is up for release on July 5.