Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala got married on the 4th of this month. A few relatives, film and political celebrities were present at the Annapurna studio. Currently, a video related to Shobhita has gone viral on the net. Shobhita, who is in the bride’s getup, steps to the song. Allu Arjun stepped to the ‘Blockbuster’ song from the film ‘Sarainodu’.
On this occasion, Shraddha is getting married to me.. I feel ashamed.. At the same time this song is playing, Sobhita steps up. Currently this video is doing the rounds. Many who have seen this video have praised Shobhita. While many commented that they enjoyed the wedding, they looked happy. Naga Chaitanya got divorced from Samantha. After that he was in a relationship with Shobhita. In this order, they got married traditionally on the 4th of this month. They got married simply without much fuss.