Flop Heroine And Publicity Stunt

On par with the film making, publicity stung has become a necessary thing for the movie to gain the buzz. For a movie to get the openings and buzz, publicity needs to be on the right track. Sometimes, effective publicity alone has turned the tide for certain movies. Several instances highlight the success achieved through publicity in various movie-related matters.

The real matter is that the heroine, Manaara Chopra, is now trending. A well-known Telugu director had publicly kissed the heroine during the movie event. This left everyone shocked. It is clear that this director knows the art of grabbing attention. So much so that he took the stage as a senior director, and this created quite a buzz. However, Manaara Chopra cleverly managed to turn this situation around by not giving any heed to the free publicity that came her way.

Although her films might have suffered, she handled herself on stage like a seasoned actress. This director has certainly managed to make a significant impact, even though her on-screen acting might not have received the same attention. She has shown that even when her role in movies takes a backseat, she knows how to make the most of the limelight on stage.

Despite the fact that her movie roles may have taken a backseat, her on-stage persona, especially in the context of the grand event, was truly spectacular. Some refer to this as a well-planned form of publicity strategy that some individuals excel at.

Back in time, even Kajal Aggarwal faced the same situation when a cinematographer kissed her publicly on the stage.