Balakrishna’s birthday is nearing and his fans that are in huge numbers are waiting to celebrate his birthday on 10th June. Every year Balakrishna’s fans wait for this day to celebrate in a big way. But this time Balakrishna has urged his fans to stay safe at home and instead of wasting money on frivolous things, utilize them in social causes.
Before his birthday arrives, Balakrishna has made another request to his fans. He wrote the below-written message for his fans:
“To my diehard fans, every year you would reach me on my birthday. I’m indebted for your affection but to the Covid-19, we are in a challenging situation. So I urge every fan not to reach me this year and stay at your homes. I would be in serious distress even if one fan gets infected. Your affection is a blessing to me and your good health is a wish of mine. I want to see each one of you with your families.”