Is Manchu Manoj Spoiling His Image?

The Manchu family has been making headlines for various reasons lately. Recently, Manchu Manoj shared a video that showed his brother Vishnu trying to assault someone. After Manchu Mohan Babu and Vishnu tried to downplay the incident, it was revealed that the video was actually part of the reality show “House of Manchus.” This revelation surprised many, as they did not expect Manoj to use such tactics for publicity.

Despite this, Manoj remained silent on the matter after the teaser was released. When Manchu Manoj recently appeared at an event, the media attempted to question him about the issue. Surprisingly, Manoj responded disrespectfully and shocked many by asking the media to scratch his hand which had a boil, even showing it to them.

This behavior is not characteristic of the Manoj people know, as he has always maintained a positive image. However, the recent incidents have led some to question whether Manchu Manoj is tarnishing his reputation with his actions.

Manoj himself shared the video that led people and the media to believe that a feud between the Manchu brothers had spilled out onto the streets and was shared online. Therefore, it is natural for the media to seek his response to the matter.

Rather than addressing the issue, Manchu Manoj gave an unexpected response, leaving people wondering what was happening to him. He is typically well-mannered and does not usually behave in this manner leaving people wondering what has happened to him.