How to start your day for good health..!

How to start your day for good health..!

Many are often confused about what to eat on empty stomach in the morning. There are so many items available in the market that increases the confusion. As per some of the experts drinking lemon water or apple side vinegar on empty stomach and now the term #fatfirst in the early morning is good for our health.

How to start your day for good health? Here we discussed a few items :

A) Health Drink :

– Lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning to start your day
– Apple cider vinegar to start your day for weight loss
– Fat first/ Fat first drinks

How to start your day for good health..!

B) Power foods

– Methi seeds
– Almonds
– Flax seeds
– raisins
– chia seeds
– sunflower seeds
– walnuts
– banana
– papaya

How to start your day for good health..!

These are a few of the foods recommended by the experts to take early in the morning on empty stomach to enhance our health condition. By cultivation of these habits will increase your immunity power in the body so that your body can tolerate under any of the circumstances and we will less effect to Ill health.