Global star Ram Charan Tej and veteran director Shankar’s latest film is ‘Game Changer’. Top producer Dil Raju is producing this film, while Thaman is composing the music. It is known that this film will be released on January 10 as a Sankranthi gift. Since this film is coming in the combination of Ram Charan, Shankar and Dil Raju, there are huge expectations on the movie.
However, as part of the promotions of this film, it is known that a pre-release ceremony is going to be held in Andhra Pradesh. News has been doing the rounds for the last few days that the team will invite AP Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan as the chief guest for this ceremony. However, producer Dil Raju met Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan at the Mangalagiri Jana Sena office today on the same matter.
It is learnt that Janasena has agreed to Dil Raju’s request to have Pawan Kalyan as the chief guest for the pre-release event of Dil Raju’s Game Changer. The pre-release event is reportedly going to be held in Rajahmundry on January 4th.