Anasuya’s Strong Counter To The Netizen

Actress Rashmi Guatam recently engaged in an argument with a netizen regarding the Hindu caste system. She highlighted that other religions also have divisions similar to Hinduism. When the netizen raised concerns about discrimination against lower castes within Hinduism, she questioned why individuals who converted to other religions still hold caste certificates and follow Hindu traditions.

One of Rashmi’s fans commended her for bravely discussing this topic after witnessing her reaction. However, the fan made an unnecessary reference to Anasuya, which irritated her. In response, Anasuya replied using the same language as the netizen.

In her tweet, she clarified that she doesn’t need to possess “balls” to speak up on topics she is well-informed about. She emphasized that everyone has different purposes and choices in life, and it is unfair to expect everyone to conform to the same expectations. She ended her reply by sarcastically asking if it was necessary for her to conform to those expectations.

In summary, Rashmi Guatam and Anasuya found themselves in a social media exchange over the discussion of the Hindu caste system and personal choices, with Anasuya firmly asserting her right to voice her opinions based on her knowledge and experiences.