National award winner and Tollywood icon star Allu Arjun’s latest film is ‘Pushpa Di Rule’. Coming as a sequel to the blockbuster movie Pushpa, this movie is directed by Sukumar and has Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead. This film, which is being awaited by Telugu audience as well as movie lovers worldwide, has come to the audience today.
However, this film, which got positive talk from the premieres, will storm at the box office. If this is the case, legendary director Ram Gopal Varma has put an interesting post on this movie. He congratulated Allu Arjun and the film crew for giving an all India industry hit with the movie Pushpa 2 The Rule. He made an interesting comment saying that Allu Arjun is mega mega mega mega mega star.
Now the post related to this has become viral. Even before the release of Pushpa 2, Varma had written that Allu is many times mega than Mega, not just a global star but a planet star.