Sleep Hygiene : train your mind to develop sleep

Sleep Hygiene : train your mind to develop sleep

Sleep hygiene means going through a routine that trains your body to know when to sleep. Like a muscle that strengthens with practice, sleeping well is a skill we can develop

Sleep hygiene is an essential mental health skill. Many people who are in depression, anxiety, or relational problems may face difficulty in sleeping. This shows up as having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep or just feeling tired all the time.

Sleep Hygiene : train your mind to develop sleep

Getting enough quality of sleep can make your brain function much better, and feel more self control. Sleep is essential for good mental health. Lack of sleep can cause mental illness and may affect your physical health condition.

Research is showing that one of the most effective ways to treat the people who are in depression is by helping them by improving the quality and quantity of their sleep. We can train our brains to sleep better. So that our mental health condition will not be affected. Therefore, Sleep well to avoid health problems.