Top actor Rajinikanth on Friday paid a property tax of Rs 6.39 lakh for the second half of 2020-21 to Greater Chennai Corporation for his wedding hall in Chennai.
A day after paying the property tax of Rs 6.56 lakh including the penalty for the first half-year (2020-21) for his Raghavendra Mandapam, the actor has now paid Rs 6,39,846 to the civic body, which is the second six months of the property tax year.
The actor said on Thursday that he would have to appeal to the city corporation on the matter of the tax demand for the mandapam and avoid the “mistake” of going to court.
The Madras High Court on Wednesday dismissed the petition filed by the actor on the corporation property tax demand for his wedding hall.
Justice Anitha Sumanth warned of imposing costs on him for approaching the court soon after sending a notice to the civic body for relief under vacancy remission rule citing the closure of the marriage hall due to COVID-19 lockdown during the six months.