YCP’s Remarkable Shift From Pawan To Renu

Recently, Renu Desai made headlines with a new video where she candidly revealed that Pawan Kalyan had personally betrayed her, yet she expressed her unwavering support for him in his political endeavors. However, this became a catalyst for the YCP to launch a direct offensive against Renu Desai.

YCP’s social media supporters began labeling her as a “sub-package lady,” referencing their earlier moniker for Pawan Kalyan. Adding to the intrigue, Ambati Rambabu, who had previously taken issue with Pawan Kalyan’s character portrayal in a movie, switched his focus to Renu Desai in an attempt to undermine Pawan.

He questioned Renu’s trust in Pawan, stating that if he could deceive her in their personal relationship, what guarantee was there that he wouldn’t do the same for the state if elected to the assembly. Despite Renu’s simple social media statement in favor of Pawan Kalyan, the YCP interpreted it differently, initiating a full-scale assault on her through political channels.

This move by YCP garnered backlash from the public, with many criticizing them for targeting a non-political figure solely to score political points. As tensions escalate, the situation highlights the complex interplay between personal and political dynamics in the realm of social media and public discourse.