Star Hero Losing Money Over Caste Feeling

In recent times, many Telugu star heroes have ventured into producing smaller films and attempting to sell them to OTT platforms. One particular star hero, however, seems to be facing significant challenges due to his preference for caste-based affiliations over content quality.

Reportedly, this star hero is selecting promising scripts but is exclusively choosing those presented by individuals from his own caste and community. Unfortunately, this approach is resulting in a lack of diversity and innovation in the final product, often leading to the creation of mediocre films.

When these films fail to generate the expected profits or struggle to find buyers, it reportedly leaves the star hero disheartened. Instead of prioritizing caste-based sentiments, it might be more beneficial for the hero to focus on nurturing creativity and delivering compelling content.

Furthermore, this star hero’s practice of favoring directors from his own caste has also backfired in some cases. It may be a suitable time for the star to reevaluate his approach centered around community affiliations and consider more inclusive strategies for his productions.