Bollywood’s top actor, Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan has said that he is against movies that reflect patriarchy and patriarchy, and that such stories take the society back a few years. In a recent interview given to an international news channel, he gave the above response.
‘Male dominated stories have been coming for some time now. Stories are being screened that promote patriarchal sentiments that were extinct less than a decade ago. Such films are doing well at the box office. This trend is not good. Now society is progressing with modern ideas in all fields. However, there are still social issues that need to be addressed. If we focus on them, we will help the society in a creative way. Thoughts of giving a woman some freedom indicate insecurity in men. Today’s women are leading with self-determination. It is the responsibility of men to encourage them,’ said Amir.
The film ‘Lapata Ladies’ produced by him on the main theme of women’s empowerment was praised and became the official film competing in the Oscars from India this year. Currently, Aamir Khan is shooting the sequel of ‘Taare Zameen Par’. The film will release next year.