BVS Ravi Calls “Baby” Makers Idiots

The recently released film “Baby” directed by Sai Rajesh, featuring Anand Devarakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya in lead roles. Has been receiving an overwhelming response from the younger generation of movie lovers. The movie is not only performing well at the box office but also earning praise for the exceptional performances of its cast.

However, amidst the positive buzz surrounding the film, director BVS.Ravi has made some shocking statements on social media, branding those involved in making movies centered around babies as “idiots.” BVS.Ravi expressed his sentiments after watching “Baby” and shared his thoughts with the following post:

Congratulations to @sairazesh! I have always believed in your writing skills. Big hugs to @SKNonline and @ananddeverkonda. Anand has always shown immense potential, and now he has found the perfect platform to showcase his talent with #Baby. Special mention to @VijaiBulganin for the fantastic music. Congratulations to @iamvaishnavi04 and @viraj_ashwin for completing the movie. They truly made #BabyTheMovie a memorable experience.

However, BVS.Ravi added a controversial statement in his post, expressing his opinion that the makers of “Baby” missed a golden opportunity by not releasing the film during the summer season. He even suggested that if they had done so, the movie could have achieved industry-hit status.

“Baby” also featured Viraj Ashwin in a significant role, with Vijay Bulganin contributing as the music director and Balreddy as the cinematographer.