Top Tamil actor Ajith Kumar appealed to his fans once again. God told him not to call him (Kadavule Ajit) Ajit. On this occasion, he released a special note on social media platform. Lately in movie events or meetings I (ka.. Ajithe) have been called Kadavule Ajith. This call makes me feel awkward. I cannot digest such things. Please stop calling like this. I prefer to be called by my name only.
Just call Ajit.. Work hard without bothering others. Take care of your family and be law abiding citizens. Ajith wrote that. But it is known that Ajith has released a similar statement earlier. He asked his fans not to call him Tala. With this appeal to the fans again, this matter has become interesting in the Tamil industry.
When it comes to movies, Ajith is currently acting in the movie ‘Good Bad Ugly’ along with ‘Vida Muyarchi’. The movie ‘Vida Muyarchi’ is directed by Magij Thirumeni.. Trisha will play the female lead. “Good Bad Ugly” is directed by ‘Mark Antony’ fame Achich Ravichandran and is produced by Mythri Movie Makers.